Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
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Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Blood Drive

Heritage Hunt Blood Drive Program. Contact person is Joanne Tuttle, Tel: 703-743-5345 email: hmtuttle@comcast.net

Joanne Tuttle has coordinated HH blood drives for the Red Cross for the past couple of years. There are two blood drives each year; the first, scheduled for 30 January, is full. The second blood drive will be held in the ball room of the clubhouse from noon-5pm on Monday July 9. The CRC has recently agreed to support Joanne Tuttle’s blood drive initiative as a Committee project. In this vein, there are two primary ways HH Chapter members can volunteer to assist Ms. Tuttle. First, and perhaps most importantly, volunteer to be a blood donor and encourage others to do likewise. Secondly, HH Chapter members can volunteer to assist Ms. Tuttle with conduct of the blood drives. What she needs most is help advertising the blood drive. This could include helping with posting advertisements, placing an article in the Horn for May and June; arranging to have a message on the TV bulletin board, contacting HH MOAA Chapter members and preparing posters for the main clubhouse bulletin board. If interested in volunteering for these opportunities, contact Joanne Tuttle at the above telephone number or email address.

The CRC hopes that you will find these volunteer opportunities to be attractive. We encourage you to look them over and pick one or two for which you would like to volunteer. You are not making a long term commitment by volunteering for these opportunities. What’s more, let’s hope you find the volunteer work to be enjoyable and a source of new friendships. Good Luck!

Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter
Heritage Hunt MOAA Chapter

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